The Economic and Community Development Commission welcomes you to Ridgefield. We appreciate and recognize that you have many options on where and how to open a business today, and even more options with the advent of remote work. The ECDC welcomes you to town and will work with you to make opening, maintaining, and growing your business as easy as possible from a town and regulatory perspective.

This page contains information to help you legally form and open your business in the United States, Connecticut, and Ridgefield. If you plan to have a physical business presence in town, we will help you navigate the town departments that might need to weigh in on the business (e.g. planning and zoning, the tax assessor, the historic district, etc.).
Establishing a legal business entity in the U.S. and CT is fairly simple and can be done online. This page will walk you through the broad steps on how. It may be helpful to engage a local attorney to complete the entity formation.
Create an Investment Thesis and Business Plan
If you have not done this already, we suggest you create a business plan to help you consider the risks, benefits, and rewards of starting and running your own business. While the ECDC does not get involved in our town businesses at this level, we are happy (on an individual basis) to discuss your plan with you and direct you to local resources that may be of help. They include:
The Connecticut Department of Economic and Community Development (DECD)
SCORE - Service Corps of Retired Executives
SBDC: Small Business Development Center
Form your business entity
All business entities must have a tax ID at the federal and state level. There are many types of legal entities you can form for your business, from S-Corps to C-Corps, depending on whether you will have partners or outside investors, or be a sole owner of a business.
The IRS Business Structures page shows the common business entities typically formed in the US. The most common business forms are sole proprietorships, partnerships, corporations, and S corporations. The SBA Business Structure page gives more detailed descriptions of each entity. You must choose your U.S. business structure and register with the federal government before registering with the state. You may need to get a Employer Identification Number or EIN. You can apply for an EIN from the IRS on a regular or expedited basis.
Once you have chosen your business structure, registered with the federal government, and received an EIN if needed, you can register with the State of Connecticut. The state now offers a convenient new business checklist to help you start your business.
Retail and space renting businesses (hotels, motels, lodging houses, or bed and breakfast establishments) are required to register with the State of Connecticut Department of Revenue Services.
When you have formed your entity at the federal and state level, the town encourages registration at the town hall. If you plan to work from home and have formed your business entity, congratulations and welcome.
Work From Home
If you plan to work from home and have formed your business entity, you will need to register with the town any equipment you use in your business (e.g. office equipment, work vehicles, outdoor equipment used in the business, etc.) for the purpose of the town assessing personal property tax on those items. Here are the forms you need to complete with the town.
Home-based businesses, also known as “Home Occupations,” need to meet certain provisions to operate out of a residence. If the area of your home-based business (a “Home Office”) does not exceed twenty percent (20%) of the total square footage of the home, and you have no employees at the home (with some additional requirements noted in the link above), you do not need a zoning permit.
If your home-based business is between 20-25% of the total square footage of the home (a “Minor Home Occupation”) and you have no more than one nonresident employee on the premises (with some additional requirements noted in the link above), you will need a zoning permit from the Planning and Zoning Department.
If your home-based business is greater than 25% of the total square footage of the home (a “Major Home Occupation”) and you have two or more employees on the premises (with some additional requirements noted in the link above), you will need a special permit from the Planning and Zoning Department.
Work In Town
If you plan to operate a retail, manufacturing, distribution or service business in town where you need to lease, modify or build a physical space, Ridgefield has several areas you may consider, depending on the type of business (e.g. retail, commercial, industrial, etc.). You may think about hiring a realtor to help you locate the right property to lease or on which to build. Another idea is to talk with the Planning and Zoning Department to discuss the project concept and approval process.
We have a few types of business zones and retail areas. This link will show you the locations and types of residential and business zones from the Town’s 2018 map.
Business zones
CBD: Central Business District
(Section 5.1) -
B-1: Business (Section 5.2)
B-2: Light Industry (Section 5.3)
B-3: General Business and Industry
(Section 5.4) -
CDD: Corporate Development District (Section 5.5)
NBZ: Neighborhood Business Zone
(Section 5.6) -
Mixed Overlay Zone: Applies to zones B-1, B-2, B-3 and NBZ Overlay zones
(Section 5.7)
Zoning Overlays
MFDD-Multi Family Development District (Section 4.2)
HOD: Housing Opportunity District
(Section 4.4) -
MSDD: Main Street Design District
(Section 4.5)
The CDD district is in the north part of town and along U.S. Route 7. The B-1, B-2 and B-3 zones are along U.S. Route 7 and sprinkled throughout town North and East of the CBD.
If you plan to open commercial office space, light industry business, retail, etc., and build or modify the space, you will need town permits as described below, many of which are online.

Open Your Business
A good place to start is to talk with the Director of Planning and Zoning or the Zoning Enforcement Officer to discuss the requirements to open your business in town.
Town Permits can now be obtained through the convenient online permit system.
General Building permits - For any modifications to a space (interior or exterior), a tenant fit out, a sign installation, and stand-alone permits for electrical, Plumbing, Mechanical and Gas
Commercial or Multi-Family - New Commercial/Multi-Family Construction and Commercial Additions and Alterations
Signs – all new or modified signs need to comply with the district zoning regulations. Some signs, as well as any other exterior modifications, may require a public meeting and review by the Architectural Advisory Committee (AAC), the Village District Consultant (VDC) and/or the Planning & Zoning Commission. You can find the sign regulations here.
Tents (large) – if greater than 400 square feet
Health – for food service, itinerant vendor, temporary food service, septic, water wells, beauty salon
Zoning – change of use, minor home occupation, temporary signs
Sewer - for sewer capacity need that is more than the previous business
Liquor License - If you serve alcohol, you will require a liquor license through the Connecticut Department of Consumer Protection
Outdoor Dining – Currently, you need to come to the Planning and Zoning Department to apply for an Outdoor Dining permit. The office is creating an online application submission (Section 8.9 on ridgefieldct.gov).
Economic & Community Development Commission 400 Main Street
(203) 431 - 2700
Ridgefield Chamber of Commerce
383 Main Street, 2B
(203) 438-5992
Town Departments (66 Prospect Street)
Health (203) 431-2745
Water Pollution Control Authority (203) 431-2734
Planning and Zoning (203) 431-2766
Building (203) 431-2743
CT Department of Consumer Protection
(860) 713-6200
Department of Economic and Community Development (DECD)